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33. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful - Florence + the Machine (2015)

Indie Pop

Florence + the Machine has always tactfully crafted well-thought-out, yet still gushingly emotional records, and How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful is no different. It is, however, their most mature album to date. “Some things you let go in order to live”, Florence Welch sings on “Various Storms & Saints”. That kind of wisdom only comes with age. The album chronicles Welch’s struggles with the less savory aspects of human nature and it functions as much as an ultra-personal exorcism as it does mass-distributed creative expression. It finds Welch staring hard at herself in the mirror and addressing the vices and shortcomings that have long tormented her head on, and coming to the astute realization that running from your problems only makes them worse. The album plays like a journey through a brutal, soul-pounding storm that ultimately leaves you better for having weathered it.  

“Ship to Wreck”, “What Kind of Man”, “How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful” and “Queen of Peace” play in succession to open the album, all brilliant tracks painting a desperate picture while still clinging to and offering hope for escape. “Delilah” is a joyous respite that feels nostalgic and carefree. Album closer “Mother” is a final prayer, painfully sad but encouraging and exhilarating, as the odyssey draws to an end. The album leaves you feeling heartened and optimistic, confident that no one’s ever too far gone to be rescued from stormy seas.

*image; cover art for the album How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by Florence + the Machine

Aaron MroczkowskiComment